Language Technologies

Language + Technologies...

Quality & Process

Language + Technologies

In the new era of commercial informatization, language and technology are the motive power and core competence in the language service industry. Language service with modern sense, which is a kind of professional service integrating language and technology, is now an important component that cannot be ignored or even divided. In the applicable and practical aspects of language technology, QuotSync is keeping moving forward and making progress.

Computer-aided translation (CAT) is the use of software to assist a human translator in the translation process. The translation is created by the human translator while certain aspects of the translation process are facilitated by software, also known as CAT tools. CAT tools is a broad term and typically includes any and all programs that facilitate the actual translation process.
❷ TM
A translation memory (TM) is a database that stores sentences, paragraphs, or segments of previously translated text. TMs are used with translation software or CAT tools and automatically suggest either stored identical or similar matches as new documents are being translated. This means that sentences, paragraphs or segments that have previously been translated don’t need to be translated again.
A translation management system (TMS) refers to software that automates all repeatable and non-essential aspects of the human translation process thereby maximizing translator efficiency. TMS typically includes both process management technology to automate the work flow and linguistic technology to aid the translator in the translation process.
Remote Simultaneous Interpreting (RSI) technology leverages cloud-based platforms to deliver remote simultaneous interpretation thereby reducing the delivery costs of simultaneous interpreting.

Linguistic Assets Management

Translations are an asset of a company. Once they have been created, they can be reused. We work with the top industry software which allows you to recycle your translations, providing cost savings and consistency across all content. Computer-Aided Translation (CAT) tools are software programs that help professional, human translators to work more efficiently and produce work that is more consistent.

TM help linguists leverage translations that have already been approved. With the TM, it can help increasing consistency and reducing your costs.
Terminology Services include Terminology creation, translation, and design processes to make the terms are used consistently.
Ensure the quality.


With our professional and high-quality language services, Can help customers relieve the pressure and uncertainty of globalization...